Dear Diary,

OZUKEIM won't let me go into the fish tank. I don't know what's going on in there, but I hear alot of screaming and smashing coming from it quite often. Whatever's going on in there is apparently so very disgusting that OZUKEIM has decided nobody except him can take a look at it. What the fuck is he doing with that kid's corpse in there? Are the screams coming from the corpse???

Anyhow, OZUKEIM also said that I can just take this whole week off. Felt a bit sudden, but I appreciate being rewarded, so I didn't bother to complain. I've been spending my off week with SILHO, actually! He's on vacation too (obviously, we work together), so we've just been getting to know eachother more! Apparently, SILHO found a hole somewhere in OZUKEIM's green void that leads to an underground library. He said that we can go there tomorrow if I want! I'm excited! This is gonna be my first time ever going on a.. er.. would you call this a date? I dunno, we're not romantically related, but we are still going to a place together at a given time, so... I dunno? Maybe?? Well, whatever it is, I'm excited for it! Silho's really cool, and I really wanna see what this library is about!

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